We are a European financial services consultancy with an innovative approach to financing projects with high sectoral and business impact. We accompany you in the institutional representation during the negotiation of the project with the funding agencies and throughout its implementation and justification.
Our goal is to put into operation all possible EU funding and resources focused on the development and growth of the entire European community.
We are specialists in the design of tailor-made inter-sectorial financial instruments involving the entire value chain of public-private collaboration, the so-called “Umbrella of Lending & Blending”, in order to present the proposal with the best conditions and obtain the best bonuses.
One of our expertise are European policies regarding urban planning in the design of a practical approach, aimed at implementing major infrastructure and ecological projects by combining synergies between European grant funds and EIB loans/financial instruments.
Our mission is to manage grants, percentage of funding, the convening authorities, and future tenders of budget items for new buildings, rehabilitations, energy services and the replacement of installations.
With a large volume of actions and buildings, we have a subsidies department that provides services to the Technical Department in all the autonomous communities. One person from our team works with the company and is in charge of managing all the subsidies contained in each DPA per building.
With Europe’s 2030 goal in mind the majority of our projects are related to decarbonisation and ecological planification for a greener future. By decentraizing the capture of CO2 and offering cross-company carbon contracts Europe aims for decarbonization and reforestation in a short to long term.
This ambitious project includes everything from the recovery of land and protected areas, to the renovation of urban areas and buildings for a comprehensive reduction of the carbon footprint in all its aspects.
EU’s top effort in electrification and mobility is giving fruit. With a focus on electric vehicles and drone technology for municipal services, Europe is leading the future urban transportation.
There are many plans ongoing for sustainable mobility in the “functional city”. As mobility experts, we know it is needed to define a long-term vision and a clear implementation plan in the development of all transport modes in an integrated manner that assures quality and safety.
One of our main specialities are Bio-Energetic communities based in passive housing, renewables, and the equilibrium of green, blue and living areas. With a focus on energy efficiency on infrastructure and mobility, these projects are a key asset for EU goals.
Our mission is to design a funding structure and instrument which is able to get together and united all the agents needed for complex real state projects of new construction with multiple innovative methods and transversal sectors of actuation.
Digital transformation and efficiency through tools that ease and cut costs on large clients are one of our main work areas. These efforts and grants are also linked to employment and the formation of workforces aligned with these innovative work methods in the digital world.
EU Social Funds or Digital EU are examples of programmes which coverage is wider than may be expected, allowing public and private organizations to benefit from a high-efficiency digital renovation and education.
Serendipity’s Digital Toolbox is an instrument which we helped to be developed through the Research and Innovation call on Urban Air Mobility Flying Forward 2020 (FF2020) that helps cities and regions in their journey to adapt their digital infrastructure.
We have adopted this tool and philosophy into our Digital Toolbox for corporative cost-efficiency and ease of management in digital environments and applications. This way the “big client” can be treated as a single mother account, with benefits on the cost and clear structured management of assets.